Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When you fall down, you pick yourself back up

Wow, life sure has been pretty crazy the past few days. Okay, maybe just yesterday and today is going to be pretty interesting since it's my birthday. In a nut shell yesterday I found out that I will have to be moving from where I am staying and paying $300 for 'back rent' I guess you could say. It was a harsh reality it shattered my world. I wasn't ready for it. I'm going to take it in stride though and try to be as positive as possible. I have to be strong for me and Madison. Everything will work out.

As I said today is my birthday. Not a lot going on today. Yesterday I spent the night over at Aubry's and hung out with her. She got me drunk which was awesome. She's letting me hang out for the day here at her place and she's getting me a Birthday cake as well. Zach is coming over after he get's off of work to see me. I'm really happy about that. A lot more happened today, and a lot more is going on today but it's so much to type. The shortest journal/blog in the world!

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