Sunday, January 23, 2011

Have Faith, And Good Things Will Happen

Well, not much to report about the mission seeing as I wrote on Friday and it was the end of the week. But Saturday was awesome. My dad came and picked Madison and I up at 9am and we just hung out for awhile. It was fun. And then Zach came over at about 4. We had some home made pizza with my parents before they had to head off to a bingo thing at 5. And Zach and I watched movies and watched Madison be her crazy self. She's been really tired lately though, so I put her down early and she pretty much slept from 6:30-8 and then when we got back to our room she slept from 8:30-6:30 this morning. She's sick though cause she has a bit of a cough :(. I wish I could do something about it, but I really can't. I can only keep an eye on it and hope that it doesn't get any worse.

So Zach and I watched a few movies together, one of which I liked a lot (Gamer). He took Madison and I 'home' at about 8 so we could get there in time. Too bad that had to happen. I really can't wait to get my own place. I know I have to be patient, and everything will work out. But my patience isn't the best. I hate not working, it's driving me crazy. But I know that that too will work out.

I hate the fact that Zach and I only get to see each other on Saturdays. If I had my own place we could see each other so much more, but that's not the case. :/ It sucks!!! And I can't do anything about it x_x.

Right so I'm going to stop talking about things that can't be helped now. I need to stay positive and know that I can make it and I can do it. I can do anything that I put my mind to! :D

Before I leave, I must put a song that brings me much joy.

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