Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Latte's make the world a better place

Let me first start off by saying that I have had way too much caffeine today. A cup of Chai Tea Latte from Panera Bread. Really, that shouldn't be too much but since I quit drinking soda more than a month and a half ago and never drink coffee or have anything with caffeine in it it doesn't take much to make me go crazy. Onto my day...

It was very strange not having Madison this morning. But I woke up at 8am anyway because I had a lot to do. I was out the door by 10am and ready to find a job. It really wasn't that cold. Yeah it was 27 degrees out but I think that my positive attitude helped me keep warm ^_^. I was pretty much done by noon, but when I walked into Burger King I got a tip that the General Manager would be in at 3 and I should come back and turn the application back in then. So I took that tip, but I had to figure out what to do with myself for 3 hours. I had some applications that still needed to be filled out so I headed over to Panera Bread. I got myself a Chai Tea Latte (VERY good mind you, I will TOTALLY be going back to get another) and sat down to kill some time. I filled out my applications and sent an email and relaxed a bit. It only killed an hour and a half though. I did a lot of back tracking, but it really didn't bother me. It was a really good day. I had a very positive feeling about today :D.

So I realized that there was an application that I forgot to fill out. This kinda of bummed me out. I headed over to Target to do some window shopping for a little bit though. I saw a lot of cute stuff that I wanted to get for Madison but I didn't have the money or the space for any of it. I can't wait until I have both of those things though because that clothing is so cute! And there are so many toys! But I moved on to the Starbucks inside of the Target to fill out my last application. That took up enough time for me to be able to head over and drop off my other applications at Noodles & Company and Steak & Shake. Then I went to Burger King with high hopes. The General Manager was there alright :D. I gave him my application and he glanced at it real quick. I don't think he expected anything special at first...

It was kind of funny. He looked at the application, then at me...then looked across the street at the very McDonald's I had quit a month ago and then at me again. Then he said "Do you have a few minutes?" And I said "Actually, I do". So he told me to sit down. I had to wait for a few minutes...but it was worth it. He asked me to tell him about myself. And I was honest. I told him I worked at that McDonald's for almost 3 years. And I explained the situation there (which I wont explain here because it's too long to tell). And I told him how I'm a hard worker and I take pride in my work and I'm detail oriented and I'm fast. He liked what he heard...because I signed my life a way as they say in the fast food business :D. Pretty much I'm waiting for the back ground check to come back and he said that he would call me about the middle of next week if it came back good about an orientation date. It's not for sure...but I'm extremely positive. I'm clean as a whistle. I'm really happy about this opportunity because he said that my 9-5 M-F was okay which is what I needed to hear.

After that I headed back towards the bus stop and dropped off my application at Hobby Lobby. I'm very positive about Burger King but I still want to keep my options open. Don't count your chickens before they hatch and all that. I really didn't want to get back into fast food. But it's a job, and I really need to have a job. And I might be able to get my licence back, and if I can do that I can move up. And being a manager at a Burger King isn't a horrible thing. It's good money.

Looking back...yeah I wonder why I bothered going to Everest and getting a Medical Assisting Degree if I'm might just end up being a Manager at a fast food restaurant. It was a waist of money. This is true...and I may or may not take the test for it and get my actual Degree for it. It's hard to say. I think we all do stuff in our lives that I wouldn't say we regret, but were unwise decisions. We just kind of go with the flow and live with those decisions. Maybe one day I'll take that test. Yeah, I'll have to study real hard because even after getting out school it would have been really hard for me and now it will be 100 times harder. That's something that's just a part of my life that I'll have to deal with later.

On a different note...I found out that I'm not going to be getting any money from Brian until the 18th. I will thankfully be getting money for diapers on Thursday. But any more money I will have to wait until the 18th. This pisses me off because I'm almost broke. And I need stuff. I mean, it's not like I can do a lot about it but it pisses me off. And then he was like "my next few paychecks are going to be a few hundred each so in 2 weeks I can give you like 100". Ok...well his next paycheck is the last one of the month and the only money I have seen (or will see) is $20 for diapers. And all I get with the next one is $100? I don't know that doesn't really add up to $250. I'd like more. And I better get more. At least $125 from each paycheck. But damn I can't believe I have to wait 2 weeks.

But other than that bull shit, it was a good day ^^b

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